Эдгээр гутлыг хэн хийсэн гээч…

Эдгээр гутлыг хэн хийсэн гээч… Маш үнэтэй эдгээр гутлыг их л хямд зардлаар босгож дээ. Манайд ч бас хүний хөдөлмөрийг үнэлдэг газар шүү. Үүний хажууд. Хамгийн гол нь Catwalk гэгч Энэтхэгийн нүүр царай болсон энэ брендийн гутал ингэж хийгдэнэ гэхээр итгэмээргүй юмаа.


1Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


2Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


3Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


4Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


5Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


6Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


7Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


8Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


9Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


10Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


11Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


12Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


13Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


14Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


15Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


16Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


17Production of Expensive Shoes in India (17 pics)


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