Хар хувцастай хутгаар зэвсэглэсэн этгээдүүд 27 амийг бүрэлгэжээ

5293238-3x2-700x467Өнгөрсөн бямба гарагийн орой 21 цагийн үед Хятадын баруун өмнөд нутаг Юннань мужийн Куньмин хотын төмөр замын буудал дээр зэвсэгт халдлага гарчээ.

Хар хувцас өмсөж хутгаар зэвсэглэсэн этгээдүүд төмөр замын буудал дээр хүмүүс рүү довтолж 27 хүний амийг бүрэлгэн 100 гаруй хүнийг шархдуулсан байна. Хятадын олон нийтийн сүлжээгээр үйл явдлын зурагнууд тархсаныг тэр дор нь устгажээ. Хүмүүс тэднийг Уйгарууд байж болзошгүй гэж байгаа ч цагдаагийн газраас хэн болохыг нь нууцалж байгаа аж.

Probe: Police have cordoned off Kunming Railway Station in Yunnan province, one of the busiest in China in a city of six million people, after a gang of knife-wielding 'terror' attackers stabbed dozens of people
Horror: Photos shared on the Chinese micro-blogging site Weibo showed bodies strewn across the floor

Distressing: Photos circulated widely on the internet showed a line-up of bodies on the station floor surrounded by medical equipment. The majority of the photos are too graphic to publish
Emergency: Medics were still treating people in the station hours after the attack, said a Chinese news agency

Victims: A communist party official visits some of the victims of the horrific attack
Brutal: State TV in China today reported that two of the attackers were women
Chaos: Authorities swoop in after the mass stabbing yesterday

Emergency: Authorities branded the incident a 'violent terrorist attack'
Abandoned: Travel bags surrounded by blood lie strewn across then floor of the terminal, protected by police
Carnage: The attack was described as a 'violent terror attack' by state television
Body: One of the reported attackers who was shot dead by police in the standoff in south west China
A victim of the attack at the First People's Hosptial of KunmingStrewn: Photos showed luggage scattered across the floor of the station as people ran for their lives
Torn apart: A boy with a victim of the attack in hospital. More than 100 people were injured and 28 killed
Major city: The attack was at the main railway station for Kunming in south west China, the capital of Yunnan province which has more than six million inhabitants. It handles up to 75,000 passengers a day
Lockdown: Police investigate after the attack at Kunming railway station
Horror: A woman talks tearfully on the phone outside the station. The city is said to be in a state of shock
Reaction: Officers cordoned off the area around the station and reportedly shot four attackers dead
Devastation: Police, firefighters, paramedics and shocked citizens gathered near the station
Cordon: Initial figures suggested 162 people were injured, though this was later revised downwards
Panic: A witness said people ran in all directions and the slower ones were caught and hacked to death
Hundreds of police officers and medics descended on the busy station after the attack at about 9pm local time


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