Монгол хүн 24,9 сая ам.долларын Лоттери хожжээ
Монгол хүн Лоттери хожсон талаарх сайхан мэдээллийг хүргэж байна. Энэ талаарх мэдээллийг өнөөдөр Австралид улсад суугаа монголчууд бидэнд мэдээлсэн бөгөөд ялагч тус улсын Мелбурин хотод амьдардаг Монгол хүн юм байна.
Одоогоор яг хэн гэдэг монгол эрхэм Лоттери хожсон нь тодорхойгүй байна. Учир нь ялагч маань телевизээр ярилцлага өгөхдөө нэрээ нууцалж, дүрсээ хаасан байна.
Гэхдээ Мелбурин хотод цөөнхөн монголчууд байдаг бөгөөд удахгүй мэдэгдэх байх хэмээн ярьцгааж байна.
Лоттеригийн ялагч маань ойролцоогоор 25 сая ам доллар буюу 24,9 сая ам.долларын эзэн болжээ. Бид энэ талаар гарсан Англи хэл дээрх мэдээллийг хамтадган хүргэж байна.
Mystery over Victoria’s $25M Lotto winner
Chris Horwath
June 8, 2012
The Victorian winner of $24.9 million Tuesday night’s Oz Lotto draw remains a mystery, with organisers urging entrants from the area south-west of Melbourne to check their tickets.
Tattersall’s spokeswoman Zoe Knobel said the mystery Victorian was not registered, and could not be notified of their good fortune.
“The winning Oz Lotto ticket sold in the area south-west of Melbourne is not registered to a Tatts Card, so we have no contact details for the winner,” Ms Knobel said.
“We strongly encourage all Oz Lotto players who purchased their ticket in that region to check their entries.”
Melbourne man claims $24.9M lottery prize
June 17, 2012
A Melbourne area soon-to-become-an-Australian-citizen man with Mongolian background played hooky on Friday to pick up his $24.9 million lottery jackpot ticket.
“I called in sick today — surprise! I’m not sick,’’ he said, 33, not willing to reveal his identity and smiling as our cameras recorded his cheque presentation at the office of Tattersall’s Sweeps Pty Ltd.
All jokes aside, he says he loves and misses his family in Mongolia, his lovely daughters, 13&4 whom he haven’t seen for 4 years because of his immigration status in Australia. Also these 4 years of his life and never-ending love was dedicated to one person in particular, whom he’d like to call Jundari for reporters. This ‘mysterious girl’ as he claims changed his life and put it on a right track, and he owes her all his life reports Sunday Herald.
He had bought the Oz Lotto ticket at a BP petrol station on Raleigh Road in Maribyrnong, put it on his fridge and took off to Gold Coast for a few days with his friends, and “counting his pennies,’’ oblivious to the fact he had millions of dollars waiting for him at home.
It wasn’t until he was back to Victoria that he decided to check a stack of tickets at a grocery store in South Melbourne. At first he thought he’d won $24,900 and that made him pretty happy. Then he talked on the phone with a Tattersall’s spokeswoman who said, no, it was $24.9 million. He dropped his phone.
“I was frozen. I couldn’t believe it,’’ he says, who has bought lottery tickets only a few times out of interest and always goes with numbers close to his heart like birthdays of his daughters, the day he met his girlfriend etc. “I couldn’t believe it because of so many bad things happened in my life,” he says with happy tears in his eyes.
His groceries forgotten, he rushed home just to sit down in the corner of his empty newly rented apartment in Southbank and think of what just happened, cry a little, and get ready to go and collect his millions. He intends to spend some of his winnings for his immigration case to become an Australian, and if love and life allows, hopes to reunite with his girlfriend, and possibly foresees a wedding coming up — “something small, intimate and relatively classy.’’
Also he plans to set up education funds for his two daughters and help his relatives in Mongolia.
Then he’ll be paying off few debts, buy a reliable car, nothing fancy “but it definitely will be a BMW,” wants to pull back on a house yet just to see if he can work things out with his girlfriend.
Although he plans to take some time off, he figures he’ll eventually bring his dreams into life; open the first authentic Mongolian restaurant and a cashmere boutique store for his girlfriend. On a question what he’s going to do if he’s girlfriend won’t return to him, he said “It would of course be absolutely amazing if we can do it together but if things won’t work out between us, I will still do it because it’s something I’ll do for my one and only love for her.’’
But the Lotto win might also buy him time to fulfil few other dreams as well — buy a sparkly white convertible VW Beetle his girlfriend always dreamt of, publish a story based on his life, he told reporters that he’s not a celebrity or a famous person but this book will make a lot of people understand who he really is, a big apology to people he hurt in the past and a huge Thank you to everyone who believed and supported him all these years.
Also he told he always wanted to commit his life to support children and seniors in need, both in Mongolia and Australia. He plans to create a charity, not-for-profit organisation Jundari & … and build a new residence for seniors and an orphanage in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, as he says felt sorry for, and always wanted to make them live in flashy houses like in Australia. (He is an active donor of Children First Foundation and World Vision Australia. Sunday Herald)
Fortune smiled on this down-to-Earth, easy-going Mongolian bloke who talks nonstop about his daughters and a ‘mysterious girl’ Jundari, his dreams and thoughts are for right purposes, and whoever his mysterious Jundari is who changed his life around we bow in front of her, and wish him the best in his life and love ‘without wax.’ (The words “without wax” come from the Latin words ”sin cera” where the word “sincere” originated from. Sunday Herald)
Reported Emma-Louise Davis